Slates: 5pcs of Premium slatesCloth: Hainsworth Match cloth (Made in UK)Steel block rail cushion with Northern Rubber cushion(Made in UK)Deluxe pocket assemble ( long railing)with brass leg levelerrail cushion laminationHainsworth matchAccessories Included1 set Aramith Tournament snooker Ball4 pcs wiraka hand made cue2 set rest stick brass cross rest head1 set rest stick brass spider rest head1 set rest stick butt rest head1 set rest stick brass swam rest head1 set rest extension stick spider rest head1 set 94 half rest stick1 set wall cue rack1 pct chalk 12pc/pkt1 set table rail brush1 set electric scoreboard/ remote control1 pc table cover1 set snooker heater panel (pc)